IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 37

e) If a player, after he has been ordered by the Referee to stop, continues the altercation, attempts to continue, or resists a Linesman in the discharge of his duties, he shall be assessed, at the discretion of the referee, a: Double Minor penalty (2’+2’) or Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty (5’+GM) or Match penalty (MP) f) A player or goalkeeper who is on or off the ice and is involved in an altercation or fisticuffs NEW with a player, goalkeeper or team official off of the playing surface shall be assessed, at the discretion of the referee, a: Misconduct penalty (10’) or Game Misconduct penalty (GM) or Match penalty (MP) g) A team official who is on or off the ice and is involved in an altercation or fisticuffs NEW with a player, goalkeeper or team official on or off the playing surface shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a: Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty (GM) (MP) h) If a player is deemed guilty of unnecessary roughness, he shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a: Minor penalty or Double Minor penalty or Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty (2’) (2’+ 2’) (5’+GM) i) A player who grabs or holds the face mask or helmet or pulls the hair of an opponent shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a: Minor penalty or Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty (2’) (5’+GM) j) A goalkeeper using his blocker glove to punch an opponent in the head, neck or face area shall be assessed a Match penalty Attempt to head-Butting shall include all cases when a head-butting gesture is made but no contact is made 72 529 - HEAD-BUTTING A player who attempts to or deliberately head-butts an opponent shall be assessed a: Match penalty (MP) 73