IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 35

1. A check from behind is a check delivered on a player who is not aware of the impending hit, is unable to protect himself and contact is made on the back part of the body. 2. However, if a player intentionally turns his body to create contact, this would not be classified as check from behind. 523 - CHECKING FROM BEHIND a) A player who runs, jumps, charges or hits in any manner an opponent from behind shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a: Minor penalty + Automatic Misconduct penalty or Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty (2’+10’) (5’+GM) (MP) b) A player who injures an opponent as result of checking from behind shall be assessed, a: CHECKING FROM BEHIND SIGNAL RULE 523 Match penalty (MP) 524 - CLIPPING C “Clipping” is the act of throwing the body across or below the knee of an opponent, charging, or falling into the knees of an opponent after approaching him from behind, side or front. a) A player who delivers a check in a clipping manner or lowers his own body position to deliver a check on or below an opponents knees, shall be assessed at the discretion of the Referee a: Minor penalty or Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty (2’) (5’+GM) (MP) b) A player who injures his opponent by a clipping action, shall be assessed at the discretion of the Referee a: CLIPPING SIGNAL RULE 524 CLIPPING C A “Cross-check” is a check delivered with both hands on the stick and no part of the stick on the ice. Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty (5’+GM) (MP) 525 - CROSS-CHECKING a) A player who cross-checks an opponent shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a: Minor penalty or Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty (2’) (5’+GM) (MP) b) A player who injures an opponent by cross-checking shall be assessed at the discretion of the Referee a: CROSS-CHECKING SIGNAL RULE 525 68 CROSS-CHECKING Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty (5’+GM) (MP) 69