IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 34

FOULS AGAINST PLAYERS R “Rolling” an opponent, who is the puck carrier, along the boards when he is endeavouring to go through an opening, is not boarding. 520 - BOARDING a) A player who body checks, elbows, charges or trips an opponent in such a manner that it causes the opponent to be thrown violently into the boards, shall be assessed at the discretion of the Referee, a: Minor penalty or Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty (2’) (5’+GM) (MP) b) A player who injures his opponent as a result of boarding shall be assessed at the discretion of the Referee a: BOARDING BOARDING SIGNAL RULE 520 (5’+GM) (MP) 521 - BUTT-ENDING 1. “Butt-ending” identifies the act of a player who uses the shaft of the stick above the upper hand to check an opposing player. A 2. “Attempt to Butt-end” shall include all cases when a butt- end gesture is made but no contact is made. Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty a) A player who attempts to butt-end an opponent shall be assessed a: Double Minor penalty + Misconduct penalty (2’+2’+10’) b) A player who butt-ends an opponent shall be assessed at the discretion of the Referee, a: Major penalty+ Automatic Game Misconduct penalty + or Match penalty BUTT-ENDING BUTT-ENDING SIGNAL RULE 521 (5’+GM) (MP) c) A player who injures his opponent by a butt-ending shall be assessed a: Match penalty (MP) 522 - CHARGING C 1. “Charging” shall mean the action of a player who as a result of distance travelled, shall violently check an opponent. "Charging" shall be the result of a check into the boards, into the goal or in open ice. 2. A player, who makes physical contact with an opponent after the whistle has been blown, and if, in the opinion of the Referee, the player had sufficient time after the whistle to avoid such contact, shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a penalty fo “Charging”. CHARGING SIGNAL RULE 522 66 3. A goalkeeper is not “Fair Game” just because he is outside of the goal crease area. A penalty for a “Interference” or “Charging” shall be called in every case where an opposing player makes unnecessary contact with a goalkeeper. a) A player who runs, jumps or charges an opponent or who runs, jumps or charges the opposing goalkeeper in his crease shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a: Minor penalty or Major penalty+ Automatic Game Misconduct penalty + or Match penalty (2’) (5’+GM) (MP) b) A player who injures his opponent as a result of charging shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a: Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty (5’+GM) (MP) 67