IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 18

Rulebook 10_51.qxp 9/29/2010 2:56 PM Page 27 SECTION 4 - PLAYING RULES 400 - PLAYERS ON THE I CE 1. Each team shall be allowed to have only one goalkeeper on the ice at one time while play is in progress. A team shall not have more than six players on the ice at any time while play is in progress. Bench Minor penalty for Too Many Players on the Ice (Rule 573). 2. This goalkeeper may be removed and substituted by a player. However, such player shall not be permitted the privileges of the goalkeeper. The six players shall be: Goalkeeper Right Defense Left Defense Right Wing 1. If the home team has not been established, the competing teams shall decide which team shall be the home team by mutual agreement, by the flip of a coin or some similar method. 2. Home team privileges: 1. Choice of the players bench, 2. Choice of uniform colours. 3. At the face-off following a stoppage of play, the home team shall place its line-up on the ice after the visiting team. 3. At any time in the game, the Referee may request, through the Captain, that the visiting team put a playing line-up on the ice to promptly commence play. 402 - START OF Center GAME AND Left Wing PERIODS a) The game shall begin at the scheduled time with a face-off at the center face-off spot. A face-off conducted in the same manner shall take place at the start of each period. b) The teams shall start the game defending the goal nearest to their player bench. c) Teams shall change ends for each succeeding regular or overtime period. 411 - CHANGE OF PLAYERS BENCH DURING PLAY AND GOALKEEPERS FROM THE PLAYER’S NEW a) The players and Goalkeepers may be changed at any time from the players bench while the game is in progress provided that: 1. No warm