IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 17

Rulebook 10_51.qxp 9/29/2010 2:55 PM Page 25 320 - OFF-ICE OFFICIALS 321 - GOAL JUDGE If, after the start of the game, it becomes apparent that a Goal Judge is guilty of giving unjust decisions, the Referee shall appoint another Goal Judge. a) There shall be one goal judge stationed behind each goal. The Goal Judges shall not change goals during the game. In IIHF competitions they may not be nationals of either team engaged in the game. b) The Goal Judge shall decide only if the puck has passed between the goal posts and completely over the goal line, and shall then give the appropriate signal. c) The Referee may consult with the Goal Judge, but the Referee shall give the final decision in matters of a disputed goal. 322 - SCOREKEEPER The complete duties of the Scorekeeper are outlined in Annex 4.21 to 4.23. 323 - TIMEKEEPER The complete duties of the Timekeeper are outlined in Annex 4.24 324 - ANNOUNCER The complete duties of the Announcer are outlined in Annex 4.25. 325 - PENALTY BENCH ATTENDANT See Video Goal Judge System in the IIHF Sport Regulations. There shall be one Penalty Bench Attendant per team penalty bench. The complete duties of the Penalty Bench Attendant are outlined in Annex 4.26 330 - VIDEO GOAL JUDGE SYSTEM a) Video Goal Judge System (VGJ) shall be applied only by at the request of the Referee or the Video Goal Judge. b) The following are the only situations subject to review by the Video Goal Judg 1. Puck crossing the goal line. 2. Puck in the net prior to the goal frame being displaced. 3. Puck in the net prior to or after the expiration of time at the end of a period. 4. Puck directed into the net by hand or kicked into the net. 5. Puck deflected into the net off a game official. 6. Puck struck with a high stick above the height of crossbar by an attacking player prior to entering the net. 7. Establishing the correct time on the official clock, provided the game time is visible on the Video Goal Judge’s monitor. 340 - PROPER AUTHORITIES REFEREE DISCUSSING WITH VIDEO GOAL JUDGE 32 P The term “Proper Authorities” or “Proper Disciplinary Authorities” as applied under these rules, is defined as the immediate governing body of the games involved. 33