IIC Journal of Innovation 7th Edition | Page 70

Growing A Digital Mindset in the Lime Industry With An IIoT Platform… (insights and analytics) and humans (people at work). 6 outline a detailed roadmap to implement the solution. It reveals areas that have not reached their full potential and highlights where an organization aspires to be within the journey. Business priorities are aligned with the model results, thus targeting the business solutions that support the industrial internet vision. The Maturity Model Assessment:  Identifies the set of solutions and highlight the new hardware/software requirement to connect machines, data, insights and people  Identifies the applicable services: Figure 5 Industrial Internet Model from GE Q UALI C AL B ECOMES DIGITAL: MOSAICO IN A CTION o Defines the list of customizations (analysis, report, function, etc.) specifically requested by the customer The Digital Lime Plant To turn our IIoT plan into action, we first analyzed our assets, conducting an assessment to identify their degree of digitization: The Maturity Model Assessment. The Maturity Model Assessment evaluates the current state of the plant and the production process, identifies the potential points of intervention and chooses the right set of operating solutions with particular reference to industrial internet themes. The Maturity Model Assessment evaluates the current state and the future vision to Figure 6 Maturity Model Question 6 World Economic Forum - Industrial Internet of Things: Unleashing the Potential of Connected Products and Services – Davos, January 2015, http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEFUSA_IndustrialInternet_Report2015.pdf IIC Journal of Innovation - 69 -