Creating the Internet of Logistics
Figure 4: Standards and Associations
Resulting in…
The information managed within the
logistics industry is also highly confidential
and can cause market index fluctuations and
damage enterprises if disclosed. There is
pricing, volume, customer and supplier
information in the data, so even peer-to-
peer data sharing agreements are
cumbersome and difficult to achieve on a
wide scale with many business partners.
As a result of the previously stated
challenges, the logistics industry has
embraced digitization more slowly than
other industries, and the main achievement
appears in peer-to-peer connectivity where
the Transport and Logistics sector is equal to
ICT and Media sectors. 3
Today, much of the required information
flow between parties in the supply chain is
still managed by paper, examples of which
are shown in Figure 5.
Harvard Business Review, How digitally advanced is your sector -
- 17 -
March 2020