Ihsaan Magazine August 2016 | Page 29

the home and ensuring her family is well taken care of. She is thus of great importance to her husband, since she is the one with whom he is supposed to consult in all of his matters, be a comfort in both times of ease and difficulty and the one he comes home to with excitement and happiness after each day. Our Prophet Muhammad (SAS) showed us on many occasions just how much his wives were extremely important to him, especially when dealing with matters that affected him greatly. Sahih Bukhari mentions the details of the treaty of AlHudaibiyyah which describes the incident where, after the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) signed the peace treaty with the disbelievers of Quraish, he then commanded his companions to slaughter their animals and shave their heads thus completing the rituals of Umrah at the valley of Hudaibiyyah. As they would have had to return to Madinah without entering Makkah as per the terms of the treaty which was signed with the disbelievers of Quraish. The companions were so saddened that they would not be allowed to enter Makkah and perform the Umrah which they had set out to do, that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered them to slaughter their animals and shave their heads, not a single one of them got up to carry out this order. After repeating this command three times, still no one got up to perform his orders, so the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went and entered upon his wife, Umm Muslimah Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her), and he told her what had happened. Upon hearing his complaint, she told him to go out and not talk to any of them until he slaughtered his animal and shaved his head. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) took her advice and acted upon it promptly, and when the companions saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) slaughter his animal and shave his head, they all followed him in doing so. The account above shows us how highly our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAS) held his wives and their opinions and advices. He gave them great importance and seeked their consultation and aid whenever he needed it. As our greatest example, he showed us how much the value and status of women changed when Islam came to the world. Being wives and mothers are just two of the many ways that Islam has placed great importance on women. We are the backbone of society because from us, the next generation is born, through Allah’s Mercy and His Permission. Let us then hold firmly to the responsibilities given to us, for only the shoulders of strength can bare these roles with great honour. Certainly, as women we have been more than honoured by our Creator above, so indeed, how blessed are we? WRITTEN by. Rochelle flores Dresses, Cardigans, Scarves, Kaftans, Custom Made Bridal Outfits... Ihsaan | Issue 1 | 27