Ihsaan Magazine August 2016 | Page 28

“ Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient ( to Allah and to their husbands ), and guard in the husband ’ s absence what Allah orders them to guard ” [ al-Nisa ’ 4:34 ].


“ Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient ( to Allah and to their husbands ), and guard in the husband ’ s absence what Allah orders them to guard ” [ al-Nisa ’ 4:34 ].

Importance Islam places on being a Woman

For centuries women have been the topic of discussions and debates on what exactly their roles should be in society , from religious institutions to political arenas , all from those who think they know what is best for women - men . The ever evolving roles women think they need to fulfill in society have always plagued the hearts and minds of many who feel that there is no meaning to life if they aren ’ t equal to or surpass men . However , with the advent of Islam over 1400 years ago , women were given rights and responsibilities and they were elevated far above and beyond how society held them . This importance placed on women , has , up to this day , always been a major factor as to why so many reverts to Islam were , and still continues to be women .

Women play key roles in the development of society and the Ummah at large because of the great importance Islam has placed on them . Without women , where would we be as an Ummah ? It is the strength of a woman that firmly holds together the fabric of society , by being its mothers , daughters , sisters and wives ; each of them having their own unique ability to be a force of change that can beautify and uplift the Ummah in more ways than one . Quite possibly the greatest importance Islam has placed on a woman , is that of being a mother . Of course , this role is one that is only bestowed upon a woman by Allah , because we know that not all women are able to bare children , and this is through Allah ’ s Wisdom alone . For these women , their importance is no less and they are also held in high regard in other spheres of life . However , for those women upon whom Allah has given this great task , they are the ones entrusted with raising the next generation of Muslims , who are supposed to represent the epitome of what Islam stands for . A mother is thus the most important person in every single person ’ s life because it is from her , that manners , etiquettes , knowledge of Islam and the world around , are supposed to be learnt . What a great status Allah Himself has given to our mothers , in being the first teacher , the first guiding light in this world , the first giver of love and warmth , and the first smiling face a child will know . How blessed are the mothers of this Ummah ! “ A man came to the Prophet and said , ‘ O Messenger of God ! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship ? The Prophet said : Your mother . The man said , ‘ Then who ?’ The Prophet said : Then your mother . The man further asked , ‘ Then who ?’ The Prophet said : Then your mother . The man asked again , ‘ Then who ?’ The Prophet said : Then your father .” ( Bukhari , Muslim ). Allah has also blessed the men of this Ummah , to be given the companionship of a wife , who are supposed to stand by their side through thick and thin , ups and downs , and anything marriage throws their way . Allah has placed such importance on being a wife , that a woman can enter Jannah simply by being so .
“ Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient ( to Allah and to their husbands ), and guard in the husband ’ s absence what Allah orders them to guard ( e . g . their chastity and their husband ’ s property )” [ al-Nisa ’ 4:34 ]. As a wife , a woman is given the responsibility of running the affairs of
26 | Ihsaan | Issue 1