Ihsaan Magazine August 2016 | Page 24

as weak beings and for this we should strive hard to become fit .
“ Whatever reaches to you of good , is from Allah , but whatever befalls you of evil , is from
yourself . [ Qur ’ an 4:79 ]
If all Allah wants is good for us and He only grants us good then why shouldn ’ t we do the same and make the right choices for ourselves ? Why shouldn ’ t we pattern what Allah does for us and take care of ourselves ? In Islam we are to live as the Prophet Muhammad ( s ) did . The Prophet Muhammad ( s ) did everything ( all things Halaal ) in moderation and stayed away from Haraam . Therefore excessive eating is not within Islam ; therefore a lazy attitude is not within Islam .
Umar ibn Al-Khattab ( ra ) advised ; “ Teach your children swimming and archery , and train them to be proficient on horseback , and teach them some beautiful poetry .” [ ibid p . 125 ].
Be an example to your children . Do not allow them to struggle the same way that you have . We cannot want our children to be fit and live a healthy life when we are not doing it . unhealthy and unhappy life ? Or , are we going to strive for happiness , strength and perseverance . Choose a life where worshipping Allah is a pleasure and not a burden and fulfilling your duties as a Muslim is easy for you and not difficult because of your own faults .
Allah being the most forgiving , most merciful , left room for our shortcomings . The Rasool ( s ) said ;
“ All the children of Adammake mistakes and the best of those who make mistakes are those who ask for forgiveness .”
There is room for mistakes but part of asking for forgiveness is being sincere and genuine that you will not commit that act again . Allah made Islam perfect and we should strive every day for that perfection in all our actions . Part of that perfection is living a healthy and fit life .
Always remember nothing good comes without trials , but with Du ’ a , commitment and dedication we can all reach our goals . Do not ever forget that in everything we do always do it for the pleasure of Allah .
There are many Qur ’ anic Ayaats , Ahaadith and stories from the time for the Prophet Muhammad ( s ) that we can read and listen to that tie back to fitness .
From the day we were born , our day to leave this earth was recorded . Whether we live a healthy life or an unhealthy one ; THAT is the final day that Allah has set for us . What we can choose though is how we live our lives in this world . Are we going to live a miserable ,