Health & Lifestyle
The Prophet Muhammad (s) clearly
stated how we should eat and gave us
two options. Umar ibn Al-Khattab (ra)
reiterated the point by saying
“O’ people, beware of eating too
much, for it makes you lazy in
prayer, is bad for your body and
causes sickness. Allah hates
the fat man. Rather you should
be moderate in your eating, for
that is closer to righteousness
and farther removed from extravagance, and makes one
stronger to worship Allah. No
person will be doomed unless he
gives precedence to his desires
over his religious commitment.”
[Al-Khaleefah al-Farooq, by
Dr.’Abdur Rahman al-’Ani]
Allah told us in the Quran “Do not
be sad”. Now you may be wondering
what that has to do with exercising.
When we exercise our bodies release
chemicals called endorphins that
interact with the receptors in our
brain that then reduces our perception
of pain and triggers a positive feeling
in our bodies. It’s our natural “feel
good”/”happy tonic”. This mood that
exercising puts us in; helps with our
life in so many different ways. You
become more grateful and contented
for things that you have in this world.
You learn to love yourself and this
love transfers over to those around
Eating is a big part of being fit and
the Prophet Muhammad (s) and
Umar ibn Al-Khattab (