Ihsaan Magazine August 2016 | Page 21

“Use the black seed, because it contains a cure for every type of ailment except death.” A special oil is extracted from the seed which is used in the preparation of various medical formulas. It has been used to treat bronchitis and coughs, as a digestive tonic, to quell belching, stimulate excretion of urine, dissolve wind, quell colic pain and stomach-gas colic, expelling worms, benefit skin allergies, stimulate menstrual period, and increase the flow of breast milk. If you add a few drops to coffee or tea it can help calm the nervous system, help pertussis, dry cough, asthma, and bronchial respiratory complaints. The Black Seed also acts as an expectorant by stimulating the body’s energy and helping it to recover from fatigue and dispiritedness. (Medicine of the Prophet). The black seed is known in Arabic as the habbutual barakah (the seed of blessing). Honey Honey is described as a source of healing in the Quran: “There comes forth from their [bees’] bellies, a drink of varying colour wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think” (Quran 16:69). It is also mentioned as one of the foods of Jannah: “The description of Paradise which the pious have been promised is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine delicious to those who drink; and rivers of clarified honey, clear and pure...” (Quran 47:15). Honey was mentioned repeatedly by the Prophet as a “healing,” a “blessing,” and “the best medicine.” “honey, in it there is a cure for people.” – Qur’an 16:69, Honey is the natural nectar and concentrated sweetness of flowers converted by bees to golden rich syrup. Honey has the ability to absorb and retain moisture, an