Health & Lifestyle
Natural Remedies
used by the Prophet
Note: One should always consult with a medical professional before
attempting any treatment.
WRITTEN by. kerina mohammeD
Muslims turn to the Quran and
Sunnah for guidance in all areas
of life, which include health and
medical matters. The Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) once said that
“Allah (SWT) did not create a disease
for which He did not also create a
cure.” Muslims are therefore
encouraged to explore and use
traditional and modern forms of
medicine, with faith that any cure
is from Allah.
18 | Ihsaan | Issue 1
Here are some remedies that
are a part of Islamic tradition.
Black Seed
Black caraway or cumin seed
(nigella sativa) is not related to
the common kitchen spice. This
seed originated in western Asia,
and is part of the buttercup
family. The Black Seed has been
used for over two thousand years,
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) once
advised his followers: