IGNITE Leadership Academy Action Learning Project 2016-17 | Page 20

Janet Lus Senior Living Program Administrator People Inc. The Sharing Garden 1 How would you describe your Action Learning Project and the difference you hope it will make to advance your organization’s mission (or the field) and benefit the individuals you serve? The Action Learning Project I would like to develop is to design and plant a vegetable garden at my Leisuretimers site. This site has seniors as well as younger tenants with disabilities. This would give the tenants a sense of responsibility and ownership for the process of gardening. The program will be structured to ensure its growth. This will help tenants with boredom and help give them some enjoyment with their results. I would like to have the vegetables shared by the tenants. I would also plan an annual harvest day luncheon. Hopefully the tenants will benefit in a few ways from gardening: eating fresh, being outside and working together on a common goal. 2 How have the relationships you’ve developed as part of your project (with mentors, partners, stakeholders, etc.) influenced this direction and you as a leader? As I share my ideas with staff, supervisors and tenants, everyone is very encouraging. Everyone has been very positive about helping with this project. This project will not start till spring. I have volunteers for cultivating the soil. I have a vendor who works with my agency already, that will help design the garden. It will be wheelchair accessible. My goal is to use this as a marketing tool and schedule an event for the community once it is in place. 3 What have been important turning points for you, in your own learni ng, as you’ve engaged with the action learning process (you might consider a surprise, insight, setback, or challenge)? During the development of the Learning Project I was able to be creative and be resourceful. Some of the challenges that may arise will be: participation, scheduling and weather issues. As far as participation, tenants are eager to get involved. When the garden is actually planted and growing, I am concerned tenants my not want to be so actively involved. The scheduling of watering the garden will be extremely important. There will have to be a back up plan by staff. The weather is out of my control but will be a major factor. This could be in our favor, a few raining days, or a setback, extremely dry. 4 How do you hope your project might unfold in the months and years ahead and what impact do you hope it will have on the field at large? My hope for the Sharing Garden is for it to be a success and the tenants truly enjoy it. I would like to add to the space for the garden if all goes well in future years. I would like to monitor how tenants work in the garden as well as how they work together as a community. I am hoping that this will be a positive asset to the site. I would hope that the tenants would enjoy the vegetables as well as working in the garden and together. 5 How has the action learning process in the context of the Leadership Academy experience contributed to your growth as a leader? My experience in the Leadership Academy has helped me to see how my leadership skills can create and develop so much for the staff I supervise as well as for the tenants I serve. It has empowered me to use my skills. I have the ability and know how to implement ideas and to lead my staff. LeadingAge New York 20