IGNITE Leadership Academy Action Learning Project 2016-17 | Page 13

Cheryl Farr On-Boarding ... 4 (Continued from page 12) How do you hope your project might unfold in the months and years ahead and what impact do you hope it will have on the field at large? After viewing the new hire orientation process at all three of our skilled nursing facility sites, I am eager to regroup with my on-boarding team to review our findings and make recommendations for improvement to the Corporate Retention Committee. I am also eager to share ideas that I have learned from fellows through the leadership program. The orientation process is only one step in what I hope to achieve with the on-boarding/engagement program. Over the next few months and years, we will be looking at the employee application (ease of use), the interview process (at all three locations), the job offer, and ultimately, the new hire training program. To me, training is an area that will either make or break a new hire. Is the training with the right person, are we giving them enough time to learn the job, are we pushing them out the door? The goal for this program is not to spend less time hiring to fill a spot, but more time in investing in the person to keep the spot filled and growing them towards future succession planning within the organization. I hope to achieve a positive and friendlier environment where everyone wants to work. 5 How has the action learning process in the context of the Leadership Academy experience contributed to your growth as a leader? Working with my team has been an amazing experience. I believe that I have grown as a leader by stepping out of my comfort zone, sharing my ideas, and learning from others. The program has solidified what type of leader I am and how important it is to me to continue to be genuine and transparent. It helped me realize that it is OK to make a mistake every now and again. The leadership program has allowed me to share the experiences learned with my own team back at my facility and continue to develop them as great leaders. Now accepting applications for the 2017-18 session Ignite YOUR IGNITE Leadership Academy Action Learning Project 2016-17 Flame 13