iGB Intelligence reports iGB Market Monitor December 2017 | Page 15

Part 3: Spain – an expanded market Part 3 Spain: an expanded market Bigger – and better? Casino progress continues What we know for certain in Spain is that the The third-quarter figures showed year-on-year online gambling market will be getting bigger growth hitting 37% and total revenues coming after the Spanish regulator, the Dirección General in at €141m. Casino was the big winner. Total de Ordenación del Juego (DGOJ), announced in revenues for the period were up 54% to €44m, September that up to 10 new licences were to be representing 31% of the market. Within the past issued within the next year. This is the first tender year, quarterly online casino revenues have risen since 2015, when a further 10 licensees were nearly 23%, from €35.9m in the third quarter of welcomed to the Spanish fold, and it will see the 2016, to the third quarter of 2017’s €44m. Betting also rose substantially, up 37% to total number of licensees rise to 45. €77m despite the comparison period last year The DGOJ said in its press release that the new tender process was being launched after including the closing stages of the European enquiries about licences from a handful of Championships. Poker was up 7% to €15m. (See unnamed international gambling groups. It chart 6 on product split percentages in the third is understandable why there should be more quarter.). interest in the market: after a reasonably subdued The degree to which the market is seasonally start, the Spanish online market is now beginning affected comes with the active players data. (See to pick up pace. chart 5, active players 2017 year-to-date.) As Chart 5:Monthly actives ytd 2017 800,000 700,000 600,000 626,100 672,960 707,550 706,750 674,360 655,010 557,520 522,200 479,680 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jun Aug Sept Source: The Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling (DGOJ) iGaming Business Market Monitor • December 2017 12