iGB Intelligence reports Affiliate-Monitor-1Q19(clone) | Page 19

Part 3: A look ahead We believe that in the long run the new [Italian] regulation will be a positive thing for affiliate marketing Simone Cabib, AffilROI authorities in any particular jurisdiction that can environment where other advertising options bring no good. have been strictly restricted, affiliate media “Attacks on gambling advertising aren’t good news for the igaming industry as a whole,” he says. “Strict advertising restrictions may lead to products that deliver high-quality content would come out on top.” Gillespie agrees: “Not only is only good for a less competitive industry, with fewer operators, affiliates, it is a double-win for affiliates,” he and players will ultimately lose out as there are says. “The fact that operators have fewer viable fewer innovative products to choose from. These channels but the same marketing budget simply attacks also shed a negative light on the industry, means they have to spend cash somewhere else. turning gaming into a taboo subject rather than “In comparison to TV, radio and outdoor, people an entertainment industry that is enjoyed by most visiting an affiliate site are actively seeking out people in moderation.” the site at that time,” he adds. “They are not being However, the effect of bans around above- hit out of the blue with a gambling ad. The other the-line advertising are muted at worst and in win is less of a chance of additional blowback and a more positive scenario might actually leave over-regulation. The cutback in advertising will affiliates in a decent position to take advantage ease the pressure on the sector generally from of the restrictions as operators seek alternative the regulators and politicians.” routes to market. “Advertising restrictions might benefit With regulators generally seeing affiliates as a benign form of advertising – or frankly not even affiliates, as it could potentially increase our considering the sector in the first place – it means share of advertising spend,” says Collins. “In an blanket bans are unlikely. iGaming Business • Affiliate Monitor • August 2019  16