iGB Intelligence reports Affiliate-Monitor-1Q19(clone) | Page 18

Part 3: A look ahead Advertising restrictions might benefit affiliates, as it could potentially increase our share of advertising spend Scott Collins, Raketech without reference to their desktop. In other words, one of the main routes for but it often rhymes’ and we were always dealing with issues as an industry. At the end, if you look affiliate traffic is effectively bypassed. “This is into details, most of the complaints from affiliates again something that was lurking around the (and operators) can be translated to: ‘oh no, we corner for a long time,” says Mecan. “Mobile… will need to evolve and change, but we loved the make the life of many affiliates a bit trickier.” good old times.’” But still evolution will mean that new Such might be the conclusion when it comes to opportunities arise even as others bemoan a the vexed issue of gambling advertising. As noted passing business environment. “What is more of earlier in this report, Italy’s ban on advertising has a concern is how some companies are dealing left the affiliate sector wondering to what extent with mobile tracking and when some of them affiliate marketing is – or isn’t – affected. try to trick the players around our lead,” Mecan points out. “But, you know ,‘history doesn’t repeat itself Collins points out that any attack on the advertising of gambling is never good news, suggesting a censoriousness on the part of the The Italian test case The test case for what advertising restrictions putting efforts in new projects (or even in might mean for the affiliate sector will be existing ones), and from the other some of the Italy where, to put it politely, the situation is bookmakers are not opening new affiliation about as clear as mud. Simone Cabib is the accounts or even closing some low-performing chief executive of affiliate aggregator AffilROI, ones, until the situation will be clear.” which works largely in the Italian market. He But as with the threat of advertising says that the lack of clarity is leaving affiliates restrictions elsewhere, Cabib is keen to view the “suspicious” and many are taking a wait-and- upside for the current situation. “Basically we see attitude. believe that in the long run the new regulation “The Italian authority failed in explaining will be a positive thing for affiliate marketing,” in a clear way its practical implications, and he says. “The fact that other channels of there even was a later correction to the initial acquisition will be very limited, will make some regulation proposal,” he says. “Most of the operators leave the market from one side, but local operators’ legal offices – bookmakers and those who will remain in the game will probably major affiliates – are trying to figure a practical invest more in legal channels. We strongly interpretation of the new law. Rumours are believe that affiliation, made in the right and running wild, and the result is that from one regulation-compliant way, will benefit from the side affiliates don’t want to take chances in new situation.” iGaming Business • Affiliate Monitor • August 2019  15