iGB E-zines iGB e-zine New Jersey | Page 11

Part 1: Data review particularly the six months of online sportsbook operations, is that the additional push given to the casino market from sports betting cross-sell opportunities is impressive (Chart 9). Overall, in the 25 months to January 2019 the average monthly year-on- year rise in online casino revenues was 28% – a decent enough figure. But when the comparison with the trendline from the past eight months is examined, it can be seen there has been an acceleration (Chart 10). In fact, in the 19 months leading up Chart 8: New Jersey online gaming revenues January 2017 - January 2019 Chart 9: New Jersey online casino YoY monthly revenue difference (%) 60 35 55 30 50 25 45 40 20 to the launch of online sports betting in August last year, the average monthly year-on-year rise was just over 25%; in the following six months with online sports betting up and running, the average monthly year- on-year rise was over 37%. 15 35 30 25 10 20 5 15 Source: NJDGE Casino 10 0 Casino YoY di erence Poker Source: NJDGE New Jersey: data and lessons from the first five years of the US’ leading digital market 11