Part 1: Market size and growth
Part 1:
Market size and growth
Having grown by 150%
since 2012, Denmark’s
status as the model
small but perfectly
formed market has
been underlined by
the recent entries of
LeoVegas and Mr Green
Revenue overview
It is understandable why there
is such confidence surrounding
the Danish online gambling
market as the figures from the
Danish Gambling Authority
(Spillemyndigheden) attest. Since
opening up to licensed online
activity in 2012, the market has
grown on average by 20% year-
on-year. Yet, the market is small
in European terms. Total gross
gaming revenue for 2017 came in
at DKK3.34bn or €448m, meaning
that the growth rate of over 12%
for the year needs to be seen in
A further 10% rise in Danish gross
gaming revenues from that 2017
figure would be worth less than a
1% rise in UK online, for instance,
or €44.8m compared to circa
€56m based on the most recent
figures from the British Gambling
Still, the growth paths of both
Table 2: Denmark online sports betting GGR, 2012-17
Sports betting 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
GGR (DKKm) 453 614 905 1,174 1,413 1,530
YOY growth 161 291 270 239 117
YOY growth (%) 36 47 30 20 8
Source: Danish Gambling Authority
Table 3: Denmark online casino GGR, 2012-17
Casino 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
GGR (DKKm) 650 795 891 1,144 1,415 1,675
YOY growth 145 96 252 271 260
YOY growth (%) 22 12 28 24 18
Source: Danish Gambling Authority
Denmark: Insights and data on Europe’s pioneer model for igaming regulation