iGB Affiliate Monitor March 2023 | Page 28

Total third quarter revenues , of which the affiliation as a service and affiliate platform businesses generated € 3.7m versus € 3m for the straight affiliate arm


Affiliate Monitor Acroud Q3 review
Speaking of affiliation as a service , one of the proselytisers of the idea is Robert Andersson , the chief executive at Acroud , which is further down the road than Raketech . He told analysts on the company ’ s third quarter call that the business had “ really proven itself to have some hidden potential ”.
Within the Acroud total revenues of € 6.7m in the third quarter , the affiliation as a service and affiliate platform businesses generated over half of the total , or € 3.7m versus € 3m for the straight affiliate arm .
The bigger headlines for Acroud over the quarter were , as mentioned in the introduction , the acquisition of the paid media assets from Catena Media . The € 5.1m deal will see Acroud augment its own affiliate business and establish more clearly its paid media presence .
Andersson told the analysts of the benefits from getting involved in affiliation away from the to go into a market and test out land of SEO . ads on that keyword , pretty much
“ If you look at SEO , there ’ s a lot tomorrow . For a sports event , we of hard work going into ranking can target certain keywords , so a website , getting the visibility it is an adaptability that is much on Google in order to generate quicker than SEO . That ’ s one of the revenue from that ,” he said . real strengths of paid media , how
“ You need to build a product agile it is .” that ’ s good and let Google do its He added that Acroud in 2023 work . It usually takes one to two will likely be a somewhat different or three years if you invest hard company to the one that closed and get it on the front page . That ’ s out 2022 . when you start making money and “ With this acquisition going then you need to keep it there and forward , a lot of our KPIs will defend it .” double ,” he added . “ We see a lot of
Paid was a different beast , synergies , and we are still excited though . “ With paid , we can choose about the future .”
Chart 16 : Acroud revenues Q420-Q322 (€ m )
€ m
8.0 7.5
7.2 7.0
7 6.7
6.5 6.5 6.5
6.0 5.5
5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0
Q420 Q121 Q221 Q321 Q421 Q122 Q222 Q322
Source : Company reports

€ 6.7m

Total third quarter revenues , of which the affiliation as a service and affiliate platform businesses generated € 3.7m versus € 3m for the straight affiliate arm
iGB Affiliate Monitor