iGB Affiliate Monitor March 2023 | Page 10

“ While the company can point to some record of success in the US , it is still very much a minnow in US-listed terms . The costs of securing a listing arguably outweigh the benefits ”


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of central costs and duplication across the businesses being bought and the existing structure .
“ Usually you look for synergies , ensuring the new assets profit from what you already have ,” says one affiliate source . “ It really doesn ’ t look like any of that was done . With an affiliate , it is 90 % execution . And that simply wasn ’ t done .”
It is very clear where Catena Media sees its future and that is North America . But as much as sources point out that it did , in the words of one , “ manage things differently ” there , it remains uncertain which route the company will take there .
The assumption in some quarters is that it would seek a
“ While the company can point to some record of success in the US , it is still very much a minnow in US-listed terms . The costs of securing a listing arguably outweigh the benefits ”
listing in the US in some form . But this is an expensive process and while the company can point to some record of success in the US , it is still very much a minnow in USlisted terms . The costs of securing a listing would arguably outweigh the benefits .
What we do know is that come this time next year , it is unlikely Catena Media will be spoken about as a super affiliate . Certainly , in terms of Europe , it will almost certainly have loosened its ties almost completely and what it can ’ t sell could well be shut down . But the question also arises about whether Catena Media will even exist in a year ’ s time . For all the bullishness from Daly about its North American prospects , they are the kind of words that would be used should a company be trying to hawk itself to the highest bidder . The final act of Catena Media might well be approaching . iGB Affiliate Monitor