iGB Affiliate Monitor June 2024 | Page 9

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9 better clarity into exactly where and how much of a tailwind this is . It is absolutely a tailwind . It ’ s a very positive , long-term development .” Meanwhile , Scott reckons the way that affiliates view partnership within media will also change .

“ I think the next wave of partnerships is with ‘ media brands ’ that have more engaged audiences , like influencers , newsletters , and podcasts ,” he says .
“ It is much harder to convert people from those mediums , and you may need an affiliate compensation model that is different from CPA ( rev share , hybrid deals , cost per bet , and so on ) so incentives are better aligned .
“ You ’ ll also see some publishers try to game the system by hiring or shadow hiring writers to write under their masthead since the Google penalties seem to have only targeted sites using obvious third-party content . But I wouldn ’ t want my eggs in that basket .”
In this respect , it is perhaps notable that on the Better Collective earnings call , Søgaard opened up by talking up Better Collective ’ s “ expansion into highlevel media ” such as podcasts ,
YouTube shows and social media content since the acquisition of Playmaker HQ last year .
“ At one point , three out of the top five sports podcasts in the US on Spotify belonged to Better Collective ,” he boasted . “ This strategic move has enriched our product offerings and amplified our reach within the North American audience cementing our leading position .”
Media partnerships with legacy newspaper brands may be dead or dying . But partnerships in the media space might only just be beginning .
June 2024