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Chart 1 : Better Collective NDCs Q222-Q124
387,000 |
354,000 |
580,000 |
488,000 |
500,000 |
445,000 |
483,000 |
450,000 |
300,000 |
200,000 |
100,000 |
0 Q222 Q322 Q422 Q123 Q223 Q323 Q423 Q124
Chart 2 : Better Collective NDCs YoY growth rate Q222-Q124 (%)
29 26
-20 -17
Q222 Q322 Q422 Q123 Q223 Q323 Q423 Q124
Source : company reports
of NDCs given the fewer state launches and fewer major soccer games during the quarter ,” he explained .
“ One thing we have noticed is that Brazil is seeing a lower activity than in previous quarters and we believe some partners are preparing for a larger investment spree in anticipation of rumoured regulations expected later this year ,” he added .
“ However , we ’ re still hesitant to project the exact timing of these regulations as that is basically just speculation . But that is sort of what we are noticing in Q1 .”
The obvious question when looking at the NDC numbers is why are Better Collective ’ s revenues still on the up ? As can be seen , the
June 2024