iGB Affiliate iGB Affiliate Survey 2018 | Page 27

Financial and communication issues key reasons not to promote operators and also to cancel programmes

Q . Which of the following , if any , describe why you may not promote an operator after signing up for a program ?
Q . Which of the following reasons , if any , have you used to cancel an affiliate program you had agreed to promote in the past 12 months ? ( Base : total affiliates - 160 )
Reasons to not promote an operator after signing up for a programme ( mean 2.7 )
Reasons used to cancel an affiliate programme previously agreed ( mean 2.1 )
Commission structure 57 % 49 % in 2017
Conversion rate 38 %
43 % in 2017
Poor follow-up communication
51 %
43 % in 2017
Poor communication
34 %
41 % in 2017
Commission structure changes
31 %
Limited commission potential
44 %
Deteriorating relationships
30 %
23 % in 2017
Poor marketing materials
43 %
Payment terms
28 %
T & Cs ( terms and conditions )
Slow acceptance to the programme
25 %
39 %
Change in T & Cs ( terms and conditions )
We haven ’ t cancelled any affiliate programmes we agreed to promote in the past 12 months
24 %
21 %
19 %
10 %
Found a better / different programmes
3 %
We always promote operators after signing up for a programme
6 %
21 %
iGB Affiliate Survey • July 2018 27