IEEE Newsletter - University of Peradeniya Volume 2 (March 2019) | Page 8
he first talk organized by the IEEE MTT-s
Student Chapter of the University of
Peradeniya for the year 2018 , was
conducted on the 10th of May, by Dr. Simone
Bas oli, a Dis nguished Microwave Lecturer and
the Vice Chair of IEEE MTT-S Filters & Passive
Components Technical Commi ee, on “Non-
Resona ng Modes”, at the DEEE Seminar Room of
the Faculty of Engineering, University of
Peradeniya. The par cipants were able to acquire
knowledge on benefits of non-resona ng modes,
importance of microwave filters, various filter
technologies, dielectric resonator based architecture and many
more by the end of the session.
Ravindi Ranatunga
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Peradeniya
IEEE Newsletter University of Peradeniya