IEEE Newsletter - University of Peradeniya Volume 2 (March 2019) | Page 5
IEEE University of Peradeniya
Student Branch Counselor's Message
It is my great pleasure to write this message to the IEEE University of Peradeniya
Student Branch newsle er as the student counselor of the branch. It has been
yet another successful year for the IEEE University of Peradeniya Student Branch
with many ac vi es being organized and many awards being won.
Former chairman of our student branch Mr. Yasitha Harshanath was recognized
by the IEEE as the best student volunteer who has contributed most from the
Asia Pacific Region (R10) by awarding him the Larry K. Wilson Regional Student
Ac vi es Award for year 2018.
This is the highest award a student volunteer can win by contribu ng to his community and I
am extremely proud to be the student counselor of the Student branch during his tenure as the chairman. I
congratulate Yasitha for his great achievement and encourage others in our student branch to follow his
footsteps in reaching great levels of success. It is also noteworthy that many of our past volunteers have gone
up the ladder at Sec onal as well as Regional level in IEEE volunteer posi ons.
This year too, our members have won several accolades, na onally as well as interna onally. Two of
our teams were able to win the two top posi ons in the IEEE Electronic Design Compe on organized by the
IEEE Sri Lanka Sec on. In addi on, one of our groups was able to secure the 3 place at the IEEE SS12 2018
Interna onal Project Compe on & Maker Fair under the Innova on Category. Also, our teams managed to
win the first place in Humanitarian Robo c Compe on and the first two places in Humanitarian Technology
Product Compe on organized in parallel with the IEEE R10 HTC 2018 conference. In addi on, one of our
teams was able to secure the second posi on at the IEEEXtreme 11.0 in Sri Lanka leader board. These were
only few achievements among many more.
The IEEE UoP SB has organized many useful events during the past year for the benefit of fellow
students and members of the community, following the mo o of the IEEE “Advancing Technology for
Humanity”. It is good to see that the student branch is collabora ng with other socie es and student bodies
to deliver ac vi es that benefit greater sec ons of the community, rather than working alone for the benefit
of its own members. I expect this trend to con nue further with lessons learnt from past and new and
innova ve ideas from the members. I congratulate the student branch for its achievements and wish all the
very best for another great year ahead!
Dr. Ruwan Ranaweera
IEEE University of Peradeniya Student Branch Counselor
IEEE Newsletter University of Peradeniya