IEEE Newsletter - University of Peradeniya Volume 2 (March 2019) | Page 4
It is a great pleasure and a privilege to express my thoughts as the
chairman of the IEEE Student Branch of the University of Peradeniya. At present,
with 3 IEEE Technical Chapters and the WIE Affinity Group, our student branch has
become one of the most renowned and ac ve student branches in the world owing
to the dedica on and commitment of its members.
The IEEE student branch of the University of Peradeniya has
organized many events over the years for the benefit and upli ment of university
students and the society in general. Some of these events were organized with the collabora ve efforts of
other socie es in the university, industry and academia. By winning many compe
ons worldwide we
were able to raise the level of performance of the student branch to an interna onal standard. Especially
Mr. Yasitha Harshanath, a former chairman our student branch was awarded the Larry K. Wilsons award
in 2018, which brought global recogni on to Sri Lanka. We were also able to secure top spots in
compe ons organized by IEEE including the Electronic Design Compe
Compe on 2018 and IEEE R10 Humanitarian Conference.
on 2017, SS12 Asia Finals
As the newly appointed commi ee of the IEEE Student Branch, University of Peradeniya, we hope to
encourage more volunteers to join IEEE from all disciplines and create a common pla orm for everyone
to come together to step into yet another exci ng new chapter of IEEE.
Subhash Wickramasinghe,
IEEE Student Branch,
University of Peradeniya
IEEE Newsletter University of Peradeniya