IEEE Byte- Volume 4 | Issue 1 IEEE BYTE- Vol4 Issue1 | Page 26

2) Beta software - These are Softwares that are sent to beta testers or clients for initial scrutiny and bug reporting so as to develop a full product. gives you a great way of developing our software with efficient SDLC. 3) Hardware simulations or Proof of Concept - Creating a hardware prototype is tough as you need to have various physical components available to you all the time and all of them require troubleshooting and ambient conditions. In such cases using boards like Arduino or Raspberry Pi and other simulation softwares help a lot before developing on Board likes ARM for patenting. Hackathons are a great place to showcase your development skills and will help you get things done in stipulated time but the schemes for the same are sceptical, like how will someone reward you with expensive gifts just for a work of 2-5 days! The answer lies in the organizing committee. The company or organization who sponsors your competition is probably facing the provided problem statement on a big scale probably even on National/international scale. The value of your solution is probably 30-50x or much more than the reward for the same. What matters to the student is their portfolio of projects and prizes. They simply should not go further to pursue the benefits of the technology they have built but also focus on the impact it creates. So next time you participate in some hackathon question yourself how will the organization implement your prototype/solution and what is its scale and whether it’s good to let them have your solution or to pursue it on your own and capitalize on it. 26