IEEE Byte- Volume 4 | Issue 1 IEEE BYTE- Vol4 Issue1 | Page 25

A lot of times when students and professionals take on a technical project in which functionality target and timeline becomes a big barrier. The root cause of these can be basically divided into three parts: 1)Lack of proper conceptualization of the ultimate product - A lot of times people underestimate the technicalities of products and overestimate the capacity of developers to deliver in time. This generally arises due to lack of technical knowledge or background in company or academicians. The solution for such situations is having someone in a team with experience in core technical platforms on which the product will be based. 2)Choosing the wrong technology stack as per the product requirements - The solutions developed sometimes break down or are non-scalable due to different requirements or due to the user base. All this leads to loss of human and capital resource and revamping of the whole platform. 3)Lack of proper timeline and phase-based development - Different businesses require different rollout strategies, for example, a B2B service needs to be secure, well-built with a stealth rollout whereas a consumer-based product refines over time with iterations and as we start getting data from users. They are generally promoted more by word of mouth. But what if there was a simple solution to bypass a lot of these issues and help you save your enormous capital and human resource? There is a way and it’s called prototyping. Prototyping refers to an initial stage of a software product in which developments and product fixes are made before bigger release is initiated. It’s majorly used in building product to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from. Basically, prototypes are divided into three parts: 1) Design prototypes or mock-ups - These majorly include aesthetic parts of the product like the User interface with logos and interactive menu which can show normal workflows., Gimp, Adobe Photoshop are some of the most extensively used software for rapid design prototyping 25