The state of AR and VR
By Kevin Doshi, SE Comps
We hear VR, AR and a lot of related terms like HMDs, OculusRift, Tango and Daydream
being thrown around in 2017. What do they mean exactly? Are they here to stay? Or is it just
another technological fad? Let's delve into it.
VR and AR,both deal with virtual elements and both aim to modify our perception of the
real world.However,there are a few key distinctions between them.
Simply, Virtual Reality(VR) transposes or immerses you entirely into a virtual world.To Do This,
VR requires the use of visors or goggles,called Head Mounted Displays(HMDs). A VR headset
typically consists of one or two LCD displays and a lens to view your virtual environment and
various sensors which track your head and your body movements.The information relayed by
These sensors is used to render your virtual surroundings as you move in the world. Also,
Binaural 3D audio is used to mimic sounds coming from behind or around you. However
current VR headsets require powersource at all times,so walking around untethered with
complete freedom isn't possible as of now.Popular VR headsets in the market currently are
the Facebook-owned Oculus Rift,HTC Vive,Samsung's Gear R and the PlayStation VR.Google
Also announced its own mobile VR platform in 2016 called Daydream.With the advent of
increasingly powerful processors and GPUs, you can bet that VR is only going to grow more
powerful over the coming years.
Augmented Reality(AR) on the other hand simply overlays virtual elements on our
current reality, you know,the real reality.It doesn't transpose us to a virtual world,it simply
augments our own reality. Imagine you're shopping in a supermarket and as you point your
phone's camera at food products, their nutritional information pops up on the screen. Or