Idolethes Volume 1 | Page 3


Editor's Note

For a while now, this magazine has been giving tribute to the greatest football legends. Apart from just stating the basic statistics on the number of records they have broken, we also try to comprehend what makes them the way they are.We try to bring forward the reality of their existence and take you on a path of enlightment by showing you where each idol started and how far they have become. In this feature, we have also incorporated the examination of some theories as well as review the latest World Cup in Brazil from three different perspectives. Our cover story on the success of Ronaldo uses Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to determine the true meaning of success. Using the nature versus nurture arguement, we distinguished the factors that are affluent on a footballer. We contrasted the views of two historic figures to understand functionalism on the field. Lastly, we labelled some of the greatest players from the perspective of their fans. There is a lot more to this issue that is worth reading.
