iDentistry The Journal Volume 14 No.1 | Page 14

The Journal growth pattern. Angle’s Class III molar relationship and a posterior crossbite on right side with crowding and bidental proclination.The dental midlines were non coinciding and there was a mild occlusal cant.(fig 1 and 2). Thus etiology was thought to be developmental – Hemimandibular hyperplasia In particular,the radiograph and CT showed that the mandibular right inferior border was much bulkier than left inferior border. This difference in mass was the cause of the facial asymmetry 1 . Major problems were summarized as frontal asymmetry, deviation of the chin, right posterior crossbite, and non coinciding midlines. However the patient had a coinciding centric relation - centric occlusion. Fig 1 : Pretreatment facial and intraoral photographs. 13 Vol. 14 No. 1 Jan-Apr 2018