iDentistry The Journal Volume 14 No 2 | Page 22

The Journal Conclusion References The learning objectives that we can follow from the top 12 of the likely clinical challenges that we might face as mentioned above. So to overcome the same: 1 . h t t p s : / / w w w. n c b i . n l m . n i h . g o v / p m c /articles/PMC5863419/ 1. Prioritize which of the challenges are important to your practice. 2. Identify the potential solutions for those clinical challenges. 3. Implement them to overcome your challenges. Things seem quite bright in dental care, presently. Technology is improving in all areas of dental clinical practice as more and more people are investing in their oral care, courtesy, enhanced awareness. The dental profession is one of constant change and improvement. New and experienced dentists alike face many challenges throughout their careers. From loans and monetary concerns to patient and clinic issues, these challenges affect both small town practices as well as those in larger cities to varying degrees. Although the challenges are wide ranging, from the individual dentist student loan to dental clinics as organizations having to deal with competition from corporate dentistry, this doesn't mean they are impossible to overcome. Dentist who focus on what they can control and who concentrate on providing a high quality service, while taking the time to build relationships with their patients and team, will find it easier to overcome the many challenges facing dentistry today. The list of issues facing dental practices ranges far and wide, but, in our experience; patience, time and proper attention will still go a long way toward helping us continue to build a thriving, patient-filled, technologically-advanced practice. Hope the above inputs helps for a wonderful start to your practice. 21 2. /16623129 3. /5-challenges-facing-dentistry 4. Articles/189704-Challenges-Facing-the- Business-of-Dental-Practices/ 5. successful-dental-practice/ 6. fear-of-starting-a-private-practice/ 7. /print/volume-97/issue-9/columns/new- d e n t i s t / h o w - t o - p l a n - f o r- s u c c e s s - w h e n - opening-a-new-practice.html 8. issn=0975-8844;year=2016;volume=8; issue=2;spage=128;epage=134;aulast=Kesav an;type=2 9. Vol. 14 No. 2 May-August 2018