iDentistry The Journal September-December 2017 | Page 9

The Journal This was followed by mandibular advancement using Forsus FRD. 29 mm length of push rods were selected. (Fig. 5) Upper 0.017 X 0.025 SS arch wire was given anterior lingual root torque and lower 0.017 X 0.025 arch wire was given anterior labial root torque in order to prevent undertorquing of upper anteriors and flaring of lower anteriors due to Forsus. Molar correction was achieved after 6 months of wearing the appliance. The patient was observed for 2-3 months with appliance in place ,without any active forces to check stability of correction and any occurence of dual bite. This was followed by 3 months of detailing and finishing of occlusion combined with class II elastics ,which were gradually tapered off. The total active treatment time was 18 months. (Fig 6,7) Retention A maxillary removable Begg’s wrap around retainer with anterior inclined plane to hold the corrected jaw relation was used for 6 months. Permanent bonded cuspid to cuspid lingual retainer was given in mandibular arch. Discussion The Forsus FRD can be used instead of Class II elastics in mild cases and instead of Herbst appliances in severe cases. Forsus springs work best in patients with convex profiles, but they are indicated in any Class II patients except those with normal mandibles and protrusive maxillae, or with protrusive or overly large mandibles relative to the other cranial structures. Fig 4 : Pre-functional intraoral photographs 8 Vol. 13 No. 3 Sep-Dec 2017