iDentistry The Journal September-December 2017 | Page 19
The Journal
14. Molar tip back bend for intrusion
1. Angle EH. Classification of malocclusion.
Dent Cosmos 1899;41:248-64,350-7.
2. Angle EH. Treatment of malocclusion of the
teeth and fractures of the maxillae. Angle
system. 6th ed. Philadelphia:S.S white
Fig 13
There are a plethora of appliances available in
the market today, each telling its own
advantages, but as a clinician it’s our duty to
access each individual case and decide which
one is most suitable.
The basic standard edgewise mechanics are as
modern as tomorrow and will continue to be
used as long as the specialty exists.
3. Angle EH. Treatment.of malocclusion of the
teeth and fractures of the maxillae. Angle
system. 6th ed. Philadelphia:S.S white
4. Andrews L.W. The six keys to normal
occlusion.Am J Orthod 1972;62:296-309.
5. Zahed Zahedani SM et al . A Comparison of
Apical Root Resorption in Incisors after Fixed
Orthodontic Treatment with Standard Edgewise
and Straight Wire (MBT) Method. J Dent Shiraz
Univ Med Sci, Sept. 2013; 14(3): 103-110.
6. Tweed CH. Evolutionary trends in
orthodontics, past, present and future. Am J
Orthod 1953;39:81-108.
Vol. 13 No. 3
Sep-Dec 2017