*Dr. Monica Makkar
**Dr. Poonam Pathania
***Dr. Swati Sharma
The Journal
“Cast partial denture, a road less travelled”- A Case
Dremovable partial dentures in the form of a cast partial denture are becoming extinct as a treatment
option for patients who cannot receive a fixed prosthesis. In most of the cases where a fixed
prosthesis is not indicated, they
still remain the treatment of choice especially in medically
compromised patients and the cases where only few natural teeth are remaining to support a fixed
prosthesis. However, the situations where financial, systemic or intraoral conditions actually preclude
the use of fixed prosthodontics are quite common. In such cases a well-designed cast partial denture
can be an excellent treatment alternative. The approach to designing of a cast partial denture should
be kept simple without compromising the principles of removable partial denture designing yet
rendering it self-cleansable. This case report describes a simple design for Kennedy class III
modification1 cast partial denture that have been used to rehabilitate a partially edentulous patient
who was already having a complete maxillary fixed prosthesis restoring his lost teeth. In this case
study, the fixed partial denture given earlier was a biomechanical failure as Ante’s law was violated.
Thus, for the success of treatment basic principles should be followed meticulously.
Removable partial dentures in the form of a cast
partial denture are becoming extinct as a
treatment option for patients who cannot
receive a fixed prosthesis. In most of the cases
where a fixed prosthesis is not indicated, they
still remain the treatment of choice especially in
medically compromised patients and the cases
where only few natural teeth are remaining to
support a fixed prosthesis. With more than
65,000 possible combinations of partial
edentulous situation, the focus of attention in
the field of cast partial denture has been on its
classification with less emphasis on the
treatment outcomes. With advances in the field
of fixed partial dentures and implant supported
prosthodontics, the field of partial removable
prosthodontics has suffered both in research as
well clinical application.However, the situations
where financial, systemic or intraoral conditions
actually preclude the use of fixed
prosthodontics are quite common. In such
cases a well -designed cast partial denture can
be an excellent treatment alternative. One of
the drawbacks of removable partial denture is
that it induces a change in the quality and
quantity of plaque. Many studies have shown
the effects of RPD on dental plaque. 2 So the
approach to designing of a cast partial denture
should be kept simple without compromising
the principles of removable partial denture
designing yet rendering it self-cleansable. This
article describes a simple design for Kennedy
class III modification1 cast partial denture that
have been used to rehabilitate a partially
edentulous patient who was already having a
complete maxillary fixed prosthesis restoring
his lost teeth.
Case Report
A patient named Banta Ram, male, aged 70 yrs
reported to the department of Prosthodontics
complaining of metal visible on his front teeth
through his denture. He also complained of pain
in upper right back tooth. Medical history
*Professor (MDS Prosthodontics), Swami Devi Dyal Dental Hospital and College
**PG student (MDS 3rd year), Swami Devi Dyal Dental Hospital and College
***PG student (MDS 3rd year), Swami Devi Dyal Dental Hospital and College
Vol. 13
12 No. 1
Sept-Dec 2017