iDentistry The Journal identistry_may_aug2019 | Page 19

The Journal The patient and her parents were counselled about the purpose, possible outcome and surgical therapy and the benefits of use of stent postoperatively. The patient was planned for McIndoe vaginoplasty. It was recommended to fabricate the hollow vaginal stent of 8×2×2.5 cm dimensions. The patient was referred from the Department of Gynaecology, to the Department of Prosthodontics for the fabrication of vaginal stent of desired dimensions. The vaginal stent is generally fabricated in self-cure acrylic. But due to dimensional instability and associated residual monomer content which can elicit an allergic reaction, it is recommended and followed in this case to the fabricate stent using heat cure acrylic. Fig:1 Wax pattern fabrication Fig:1 (b) Flasking of the wax pattern 19 Fig:1 (c) Flask assembly after dewaxing Stent Fabrication The heat cure acrylic resin stent of recommended dimensions was planned. A cylinder of die stone (Kalrock, Kalabhai, Mumbai, India) material in a shape of chalk was fabricated to form the inner core of the stent. The wax of the recommended size was adapted around the cylinder (Fig 1a). This cylinder served the purpose of making the stent hollow so that vaginal and uterine secretion can pass through. It was adequately sized for the placement of a drainage tube which would facilitate increased drainage of the fluids. The vaginal stent so replicated in a wax model was made slightly rough to allow for attaching split thickness skin graft. The whole of the wax pattern with the cylinder of die stone inside was invested in a flask (Fig 1b). The pattern was fabricated just upto the level of base of the brass flask so as to allow for easy opening of the mould created. The flask was dewaxed and the cylinder of diestone got attached to the plaster at the ends which resulted in desired hollowing of the stent. The diestone cylinder is coated with separating alginate based media to allow for easy retrieval of the stent (Fig 1c). The flask was packed with the heat cure acrylic resin and was cured in the curing unit. The vaginal stent so retrieved after deflasking was finished but not polished to Vol. 15 No. 2 May-Aug 2019