The supremacy in resources and a more
sophisticated (not better) organization
theoretically conceived in terms of race
and religion— of the conquerors of the
New World over the Aboriginal and
quickly over the imported black
Africans, uprooted from their home soil
to be enslaved.
Segregation due to class status is an
ancient evil that any experiment of
social justice has not been able to
eradicate. In Cuba, it wasn’t different,
not even when poverty (never wealth)
was distributed. Those who stood up as
voices of the dispossessed quickly made
the difference between their vital
dynamics and the life of ordinary
people. In the current chaotic Cuban
society, money remains the champion,
now without the guise of ideology.
Whoever holds and enjoys an economic
status above the poverty standard
imposed by state salaries will be treated
with deference while receiving any
service whether from a state or private
provider. It will not matter if the
customer is white, black or homosexual.
The purchasing power establishes the
hierarchy and the customer below
certain level will be discriminated.
Neither race nor sex has shown so far
that the power, however limited, won’t
be used in an arbitrary manner under
favorable circumstances.
There are blacks and mestizos who
complain of suffering racist behavior, as
well as homosexuals who claim equal
rights facing the heterosexual majority,
but they also kill defenseless animals on
behalf of their faith even applying cruel
supremacy. At least in Cuba, these
animals have not even a law that
protects them against sadism. How
many people —discriminated and
coerced by the official policies— lend
themselves to vex and even to
physically attack the opponents in the
so-dubbed repudiation rallies? How
many black and mestizo military
mistreat their subordinates with racist
Together with the traditional racism,
inherited from the colonial regime and
the postcolonial republic, the revolution
has developed a kind of reaction against
the phenomenon indifferently called
wave of incivility, anthropological
damage or crisis of values. It is not the
rejection against black people, but
rather against those who maintain a
marginal or “black” attitude.
Just as many females bear on their
delicate shoulders the burden of the
macho empire of abuse, many
homosexuals engage in very sassy and
disrespectful attitudes against the sexual
orientation of others and behave so
aggressively, that they encourage a
negative myth very difficult to dispel.
The statistics of the racial groups
flooding the suburbs mark the leading
role in events of social indiscipline.
These groups swell the ranks of the
prison population and feed the myth that
black is bad.
Discrimination is established by force
of habit and rooted by lack of
enforcement, but the discriminated can
strengthening the gradual removal of
discriminatory behavior.
Lizzy Velázquez, a young girl of Latin
American origin, suffers a syndrome
that does not allow her to gain weight.
She was anonymously presented on
Internet with the suggestive title "The
ugliest woman in the world". This case
shows that the reasons for rejection can
be very different. It happens not only
within the social conventions on skin
color, financial situation or sexual
orientation. Just being sick turns Lizzy’s
life in a living hell.
Fortunately, she chose the best way for
earning the respect of people: showing
her humanity. She dedicated her life to
the cause of others affected by the
aberrant psychological harassment
(bullying) that has led so many