TESTIMONIES Confessions of a Cuban Gay Marcia Cairo interview with Michel Perea Enríquez, a Cuban gay who was a transvestite and is a narrator, visual artist and collaborator on digital newspapers. When did you become aware of your sexuality? I have been attracted to males ever since I was a child. At school, when I was barely 8 years old, I would fall in love with people of my own sex and play with girls. I remember once I went to the bushes with a boy and went back home with bite marks on my neck. My mother asked me about it and I lied. Another time, a boy and principal’s office and questioned about which of the two of us had started, but we both took the blame. I won’t forget they threatened to bring the police and that all we did was cry. I ended up being punished for two month of my vacation without being able to leave the house. Then my parents decided to take me out of that school. I guess they felt ashamed. I were caught touching each other in the middle of class. We were taken to the Michel Enríquez Perea 59