RAISE THE LANCE may he not know that I know that he believes. I believe he knows that I know. After the fear a maybe. LITTLE HERETIC Vardhamana, seeking to escape the law of karma and rebirth, struck tradition, the intolerant stone. After many nights, the son of the Kshatriya clan, dissatisfied with the Monist idea, rejected the Brahmans and focused his attention on the soul. He called it Jiva and decreed its immobility. Twelve years making demands of his body, twelve years in silence. He was extremely severe with himself and even called himself Mahavira, he who has conquered. Today, the city is an intolerant stone, hard drugs, boxes, horror films; some dissatisfied, focus their attention on the soul. PRAYER We pilgrims are here. Myrrh, incense, gold of our golden stay, diamond rain we bring. SAINT LAZARUS, I pray to your heart for every Cuban, objectify your goodness on the island; bathe it with your grace, beyond these borders, may prosperity kindle a light in all homes, minds, bodies and souls. SAINT LAZARUS of the Diasporas poetic chimeric Cabalist Buddhist 89