Lay the egg, already… Old lady. PATHOLOGY I struggle against the ill that oppresses me; the meds lighten the load. My mother in bed with her thermos of coffee she gets up at 12, has lunch, eats at 6 and gets in bed in the late evening. That life lost in the ordinary, the country’s shadows have her that way. The coffee thermos is my progenitor’s drug, she may not be able to see the flaming Poinciana I see from the winter, that’s why I fight her dust. The morning is in my hands when the afternoon dawns two things accompany me, the country’s shadows and my mother’s ritual. HOSTAGE Juan Bautista (hermit), strong hand when dealing but soft heart, mechanic by trade. He always wanted a good education for his children. He made a circle of salt, put his oldest son in it, told him to study. He made a circle of lime, put the rest of his children in it, told them to work. Recover the unknown mother, work or study is the oscillation of their lives, the double-hard race thing. A mechanic’s strong hard hand everyday, a watch over them… Soft heart blessed them all. 88