Race , Class and Gender
Challenges of Racial Issues and Human Rights
Jorge Amado Robert Vera Independent Journalist Santiago de Cuba , Cuba
“ We are worth and we can do much when we ensure respect in a word ” Evaristo Estenoz
A fro-Cuban official writers proposed from Havana an analysis related to the racial problematic in Cuba and its challenges in the contemporaneity . The President of the Cuban Book Institute , Zuleika Romay , expressed her willingness to go out in search of companions who would collaborate in deepening the issue to raise awareness in society and to eradicate the scourge known as racism and discrimination . Deepening is a proposal that , if done without ideological conditioning , must involve everyone within the diverse and multiracial Cuban society . And talking about the issue includes talking on the citizen ´ s fundamental rights too , but some organizations are excluded from the proposal . It is known that everything related to racism , whether objective or subjective , was deemed as a resolved issue at the beginning of the revolution . However , little or no progress has been made to date . For addressing discrimination in depth , it ´ s required to know to what extent the regime would be willing to collaborate for promoting human rights . Only inspired by them , the national social , civic and cultural economic policy can be rebuilt by blacks , whites , and mestizos . In order to make progress in this area , short , medium and long-term projects should be developed to enable collaboration with the civil society organizations , t he national and international institutions for development , and the U . N . specialized agencies . Thus , it will be possible to abound in the institutional and structural nature of the violations against rights and freedoms , In a systematic way , they have remarkable impact on the Afrodescendants , who must be truly empowered without ideological conditioning . In an effort to maintain its postulates , the government constantly represses the people and demands from Cubans , specifically the Afro-Cubans , the personal sacrifice in favor of the official discourse , in clear contradiction with the emancipation ideals . The government criminalizes all activities related to human rights defense , independent journalism and civil society organizations with accumulated experience in racial issues . This makes it doubtful that the government is actually trying to reach a consensus on the topic at the greatest degree of understanding within society . It ´ s demonstrated that if those who dissent or commit crimes are black , such a racial factor affects the severity of the punishment . By virtue of the prevailing negative racial stereotypes ,