38 | ICS ADDIS | 2019-21
At ICS , elementary school students have a genuine enthusiasm for learning ! As our students grow from the early years to be pre-teens , we help them learn the skills they need to be successful in their homes , communities , and at school . ICS has an outstanding program that encourages curiosity and supports our students academically , physically , and emotionally .
With a research-based , high-quality curriculum and collaborative PLC teaching teams , students are supported to make strides in gaining self-confidence , to develop a more mature , perceptive , and imaginative way of thinking , and to understand the world and people around them .


High academic expectations at ICS Addis are based on the Common Core standards for literacy and math . Academic instruction is balanced with a belief in the development of the whole child , which is a prominent feature of our PYP curricular framework , and students participate in specialist classes including music , physical education , French , and art .
Each year one unit is designated a personalized learning experience ( PLEx ) unit where students are given extended time and personal agency to focus on something they feel passionate about or want to learn more about within the conceptual focus of the unit .