iCreate Magazine iCreate magazine volume 1 | Page 13

icreate Africa. www.icreateafrica.com What challenges are you to channel all my creativity facing as skilled professional? into building something that Two major challenges: firstly, just works. Post-event, I built the lack of resources and a team with those I met during infrastructure the event and we went on to do to further develop your skills. Secondly, a couple of projects together. clients who always seek for the best bargain for themselves, What would you advise the thus underpricing the services youth who are considering and not allowing the skill to pursue a career as an App professional to gather enough Developer? finances Don’t do it if you are just to develop their potentials. coming in for the money; you won’t go far. How did you experience the iCreate Skill Fest? iCreate was Where do you want to be in 5 the first years from now? competition I ever participated In 5 years from now, I want in. Prior to the event, I was to be the creator of a few skeptical as to how much commercial R.P.A softwares impact it was going to have that redefine the way we do on me. During the event, I got things in Nigeria. to meet a lot of people from different fields in IT, learnt time management and how 13 Jerry Udensi, Skill Champion App Development