ICONIC Jan/Feb 2017 | Page 16


Road Warrior

Ellie Holcomb by caroline lusk

When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the desert , there was one person at the very end of this impossible procession . That person was the first to feel the vibrations of the chariots in pursuit . That person first saw the gleam from the swords wielded by Pharoah ’ s army . That person was likely the first to imagine death at the hand of these pursuers .
Crowder perfoms with newcomer
As word spread towards the front of the group , there was
Steven another person Malcolm who . first tasted the salty sea air , heard the
waves crash and saw , what appeared to be a watery blockade . With the Red Sea in front of them and an army at their back , these people and the rest of their nation saw what most of us would — impossibility . They hadn ’ t realized quite yet that the God of their deliverance was also the God of the impossible . With a sweep of His arm , a thought in His mind or the whisper of His love glancing off Moses ’ staff , He parted the Red Sea and laid before His children a road to freedom , safety and life . That was the first Red Sea Road ; but as Ellie Holcomb attests , He hasn ’ t stopped making a way through the impossible .