4. Our communication strategy for Pinnacle Malibu is to increase brand awareness.
We want to be able to provide a brand identity that our target market will be able to
associate a personality that Pinnacle has exuded since 1978. Our communication
strategy will be to convey this with our creative yet strategically planned
advertisements for online, OOH, guerrilla, digital, and through multiple social media
outlets. Providing appealing advertisements to our target market will allow us to
successfully attribute a communication strategy for Pinnacles brand.
5. The strategic idea is to increase the awareness of Pinnacle Malibu with
Pepperdine’s female student population. Through our extensive campaign we will
communicate to this population through traditional and contemporary advertising
methods, including print and mobile advertising respectively. Our strategy is to convey
the idea of “Malibu Made”, each student is an individual, and Pinnacle Malibu is able
to help each person with her own style.
6. We will support this idea through research in to the consumer mind of our target
audience. During and after the campaign we will look at Pinnacles sales and foottraffic in order to see our goals are being met, and if not we will address each
situation in order to bring the most effective campaign possible and increase Pinnacle
Malibu’s brand awareness and sales.
7. The mandatories that we will demand within our strategy for this campaign is a
research based and strategy implementation throughout all our multiple forms of
advertisement. We want to be able to reach our target market successfully and with
reason. Being able to have these two, research and strategy, as a “must-do”
throughout our campaign. Will allow us to execute a successful brand awareness of
Pinnacle Malibu being “Malibu Made”.
Instagram has grown in popularity the most of out all the other social media channels.
Luckily, Pinnacle Malibu Boutique already has an Instagram account. However,
through the use of visual information we want to use this digital platform to provide
increased brand awareness and consumer engagement. Currently 40% respond better
to visual information than plain text (Harris, 2013).