problem. Reason being, you are not
contacting the recipient directly. You are
putting information ‘out there’ where the
general public is reading off-line and
searching on-line. They then contact you.
Back To Attraction Marketing
Here’s where the Baby Boomer travel agent
might be able to teach the younger Gen X &
Y agents a thing or two, as a thanks for the
social media education so many have passed
on to their elders! Playing it forward.
Step One
Okay… let’s go with the flow and make sure
“we” have our current clients signed up. That
means each existing client has given you
their consent / permission to be contacted
by you / your agency.
You’ll require a filing system that locks those
digital or hard copy forms away should CASL
ever come knocking on your door. The only
reason that will happen is if one or more of
your clients complain to CASL / CANSPAM
that you are spamming them and/or
contacting them in a manner that
contravenes the rules.
The other reason for CASL / CANSPAM to
contact you would be a purge on the retail
travel industry in general. This type of action
is enacted when numerous complaints are
received by the general public overall. So
you’d be caught up in the sweep.
Step Two
With your existing clients signed and sealed
and opted in to receive anything you would
like to send them – let’s move on to how you
can attract new prospects and build your
client list on the right side of the law.
not selling anything…” because that will
get you into trouble. You’ll be selling
your services, your niche, your
experience, a discount on the next cruise
to the Caribbean, passing on a supplier
special to Europe or perhaps seats on
your own custom tour.
2. Now you think about which would be the
best medium for your message.
Remember, according to CASL you
cannot make direct contact with any new
prospective client without their consent
– and you cannot ask for their consent,
without their consent! What has to
happen is that you ATTRACT your would
be prospect to contact you and that’s
when you ask them to opt-in to receive
your emails and more.
3. Referrals are still the way to go and so
one way to boost your client list is to rev
up your referral plan and ask your clients
– the ones who have given you
permission to contact them, to refer
their friends, family and colleagues.
When a referral makes contact – don’t
forget, you are now obligated to have
them opt-in and give you their Express
permission to be contacted.
Traditional Marketing Techniques
Remember, when prospecting, you cannot
send any form of communication to anyone
without having their Express and
documented permission to do so.
The Non-Contact Advertising & Promotion
Plan states that you could make excellent
use of traditional marketing techniques.
Let’s explore some more.
Keep reading!
1. Think about what it is you are trying to
sell and don’t be the one that says “we’re