Here’s a website where you can plot your 5-mile
radius on line and survey what’s around you.
Once you know the lay of the land which means
you’ll have the residential areas plotted,
business parks, churches, stores, schools etc.,
and everything else that has travel potential
then you can start to plan your local store
marketing activity program.
Compatible Stores: Look for stores that relate to
travel. Fashion, luggage, gadgets, cameras,
outdoor clothing, books, niche related… and
then approach the owner / manager to discuss a
cross promotion.
With the privacy act in place you can no longer
share customer lists, however, the store owner
could mention your travel agency to his/her
customer base and you can promote your
‘partner’ to your list.
The cross promotion would be based on you
placing a poster in their store window and for
your new marketing partner you would offer
your website and social media sites as your
window on the world – plus you can blog about
their services and products too. In other words,
you’ll mention your new cross promotion
partner/s in all the local advertising and
marketing you do.
Take Ones: These are generally small plastic
holders found on shop countertops, at check-out
locations in restaurants and the like. It means
printing a postcard sized promo piece that’s
attractive and one that people will pick up and
take home. A QR code on the card would shorten
the selling cycle allowing the person to use their
smartphone to scan the code and visit your
website immediately.
Local Notice Boards: The take one idea can also
be applied as a typed one pager pinned to local
notices boards. It has a heading that advises the
reader what it is all about with a telephone
number, email address or once again the QR
code. Notice boards can be found here:
Grocery stores
Local businesses
Local Events & Consumer Nights: Some travel
agencies still arrange and promote travel events
to attract newcomers to their agency and you
can and should do the same thing. A local travel
event is a great way to meet 50 people in one go,
versus trying to locate new clients one couple at
a time.
Work closely with your preferred supplier BDMs
as they will have more knowledge on what’s
working in your area when it comes to pulling
local people to such an event.
Then there is the local movie theatre which is not
expensive to rent for an off-hour time period.
Promote a travel feature video, add in a bag of
popcorn and be well practiced when you take
the stage to sell yourself, your agency and your
latest tour AND reasons to opt-in to your list.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg really, the rest
of the iceberg you can find in this e-book.
Build your business with proven tips and tools.