IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 50

life ! Everything you ’ ve ever wanted to accomplish in both categories has been achieved and at record breaking speed ! You couldn ’ t help but to just smile ecstatically and talk about all the things you ’ ve done , all the happiness , love , wealth , and fortune in your life . You ’ ve even helped hundreds if not thousands of people along the way obtain new levels of success ! What numbers would you like to give me from 1 - 100 ? Of course , in the perfect world , it ’ s 100 and 100 ! Welcome to the 100 | 100 Program ! Write 100 above both words and look at the difference between where you are today and where your future self wants you to be ? That difference is the gap holding you back from an extraordinary future ! If I asked you today , if you have a plan to be successful and obtain a 100 and 100 on both “ Personal ” and “ Career ” what would your answer be ? To be successful on a day to day basis , you must decide to be excellent from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall back to sleep .
Step 2 : Power Meditation . Let ’ s take the first 10 minutes of your day . What do you normally do ? Write that down . Rate these actions on how it makes you feel from 1-100 . If your number is not a 95 or above , I ’ d like to share with you my first 10 minutes , it ’ s called Power Meditation . Find a seat and place your hands palm up on your knees , feet flat on the ground . Shift your chest forward and upwards and now close your eyes . You are now in the Power Meditation pose .
For the next 10 minutes stay in this pose and breathe deeply . For the first minute , you will do a Power Breathing exercise . This is when you breathe in and out through your nose with force , enthusiasm and conviction . As you are doing so , pump your hands up into the ceiling ( or sky if you are outside ) and back down towards your chest . Pump as fast as you breathe , then breathe faster ! After 1 minute stop and write down if you feel more awake or sleepier . The point is to wake up feeling successful , how is that possible if most of the time when you wake up , you are still half asleep ?
Next , you are going to think about 3 things you are grateful for and write them down . As you get the first grateful down , pause and meditate on how it makes you feel to have that in your life . Focus on the emotions , are they negative or positive ? Do they feel like a closer to a 1 or closer to a 100 ? Repeat this for the next 2 grateful items and be sure to pick things as simple as the smell of fresh air or as important as your family .
Now , let ’ s move on to Pure Energy Meditation , for the next 3 minutes focus on the feeling of unlimited energy . Pick a place in the world , a place filled with unlimited energy and image yourself there . Focus on your breathing and the feeling of unlimited energy . Every time you breathe in , your body is being filled with this pure energy that is giving your life , happiness , and success . Every time you breathe out you are returning it back into the universe . Enjoy this few moments of pure energy , you deserve it , you deserve this unlimited energy every day . This energy will guide you through the entire day , you will always have this moment to reference for pure unlimited energy .
The last 3 minutes , you will write down 3 things you will create today . Creation is not consumption , you have the power to create success , but if you choose to continue to consume what others want to feed your mind , your mind will become a dumping ground for all the garbage that is produced in the world . Write down 3 sentences , start with the word create and end with the word today . After each sentence , meditate and imagine for a minute , already completing those creations . How would it make you feel , describe those feelings ? Are they closer to a 1 or closer to a 100 ? What are the results and outcomes of your completing these creations ? When done correctly , the Power Meditation exercise shifts your focus away from poor / average thoughts to amazing , outstanding , and exceptional emotions and outcomes .
Step 3 : Creates , Must-Dos , & To-Dos . Let ’ s now take the last 10 minutes of your day . On average , what do you normally do ? Write that down and ask yourself how it makes you feel . Rate it from 1-100 or you can use words to describe it as well . Now most people would brush their teeth , check social media or possibly read a book . I ’ d like to share with you what the last 10 minutes of my day consists of ; it ’ s what I call Creates , Must-Dos , & To-Dos . Each night before bed you will create two lists , one list is for personal and one list is for career . The lists will contain things you want to create first , followed by must-do action items and then a few to-dos . Here are some examples of what to write for your creates . Create a healthy salad breakfast & green smoothie . Create progress on yoga through 30 min session . Create time to read outside for 30 minutes . Create draft of a new income stream . Create five-plus new client relationships . Create more happiness at work through tenplus compliments . Focus on creations first that they will be the driving force to a 100-rated day .
After creates , then move to must-dos . Must clean out trunk of car . Must pay mortgage and credit card bills . Must pick up children from day care . Must buy groceries . Must close threeplus business deals . Must follow up with ten-plus clients . Must sign up for gym membership . And lastly , add things that are to-dos . These are items that are going to be tasks that you ’ d like to get done today , but if you don ’ t get to it , it wouldn ’ t ruin your day . When you are finished , you should have 10 - 25 items on each list . A list totaling 20 - 50 creates , mustdos , or to-dos that you know if you got it all done tomorrow , you would have an outstanding day , closer to a feeling of a 100 . Now let me ask you , why do I recommend creating these “ success ” lists right before you sleep ? Because it allows you to plan your entire day and gives you a peace of mind when you sleep . You don ’ t have to worry about what you should do tomorrow because when you wake up everything that you need to do to have a successful day will be right next to you . These lists create a vision of a day that when completed will produce extraordinary results . Once you ’ ve inspired yourself to a new level , you can inspire others to do the same . Then as a result , the world will become a better place to live . Stay tuned in to IBA Success Magazine for the next steps in Mastering Your Day .
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